Friday, June 22, 2012

"That Was Tomorrow" - A Book Review

Historical fiction is a much abused genre. Too often fascinating people and events are treated like museum pieces – fragile, silent, and dead.

That Was Tomorrow by Mary Lois Timbes avoids these pitfalls, giving us a vivid portrait of a time and place in history filled with colors, scents, sounds, and a strong sense of the future.

Along with heroine Amelia, we explore the turn-of-the-century Utopian experiment known as Fairhope, getting to know the colony's eccentric citizens, their habits, their politics, their fears, and their dreams. It is a coffee-fueled, romance-filled, full-sensory trip back to a dynamic time in a very unique place – and is well worth the visit.

Top 10 Reasons To Buy That Was Tomorrow
  1. Impress others with your extensive knowledge of early 20th century educational theory.
  2. Find out just what the heck “Fishlock” means.
  3. It hits on all the major life themes: Love, Sex, Death, and Food.
  4. Learn the difference between “batter cakes,” “pancakes,” and “scrapple.”
  5. Uncover an historical justification for pairing socks and sneakers.
  6. Because you're curious what Wharton Esherick and Sherwood Anderson might have been like when tipsy.
  7. Radical socialist agenda!
  8. Discover a funky little town in Alabama where I used to knock around as a kid.
  9. Two words: Nudist camp
  10. It's only $9.99 for your Amazon Kindle!

Today's lesson: Buy That Was Tomorrow. (And while you're at anyway, download Hometown. It's free through June 22!)

Next: Maybe a new Yummish saint. It's been a while since the last one. Any nominations?


  1. Oooo it sounds like a really good book! I neeed to buy yours and this one

  2. These bill I have are killin me '/
